swansea council blue badge

You can reapply for a Blue Badge yourself, for someone else, or for an organisation (such as a care home). When a badge has been lost, stolen or destroyed, or has become so damaged / faded that it is illegible, the local authority can issue a replacement badge. You can change your cookie settings at any time. The local authority will require additional information to support this claim. This must be paid before the badge is issued, either by debit or credit card. Has a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking. In order to meet this duty a public authority must embed equality considerations in everything they do, including decisions relating to the design and delivery of parking enforcement. The Blue Badge scheme came into operation on 1 December 1971 by means of Regulations made under section 21 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (Badges for display on motor vehicles used by disabled persons). Some Blue Badge applicants may be unhappy about the way the process has been conducted. If you can't access online systems there are computers available in the Civic Centre, our community hubs and local libraries. Welsh Government has no power to intervene in decisions made in individual cases. Youll also need a photo or scan of your: proof of identity (such as a birth certificate, passport or driving licence), proof of address (such as a Council Tax bill or government letter), your National Insurance number (if you have one), the details of your current Blue Badge (if youre reapplying). Indefinite or life awards are still subject to review, and therefore older award letters may not be reliable indicators of whether a person currently has an award of HRMCDLA. Disabled people are not disabled by their impairments but by barriers and we need to remove those barriers to remove inequality. It's worth doing this if you can't walk more than 80 metres - about the length of 7 double decker buses, or if you can't use a parking meter because of problems with your arms. The fact that a walking aid is or is not used may be relevant to the eventual decision, but this alone should not determine whether or not a Blue Badge is issued. Where local authorities perceive misuse of the Blue Badge by friends and family of the badge holder to be a significant problem, it is possible for them to obtain authorisation to carry out undercover surveillance under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (Footnote 19). Having a common system for processing Blue Badge information and securely printing and distributing badges prevents many types of fraud and abuse. In cases where the local authority has accepted and processed an application by telephone, post or electronically and have not seen the applicant, the local authority may prefer that the applicant collects the badge. 8. This criteria is intended to capture people who have a mobility impairment that is expected to last at least 12 months. Find out if you qualify for a Blue Badge. Bear in mind that healthcare professionals do encourage mild exercise to improve certain conditions so these cases will need to be looked at and considered on an individual basis. If this evidence is not available then it is recommended that the local authority accept a benefit award letter. WebThe Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions to help people who are severely sight impaired, or permanently physically impaired, travel The badge remains the legal property of the issuing local authority, so it is unlawful for someone else to sell a badge. Please call 01792 637366 to explain the circumstances. It should be remembered, however, that whilst this may make it difficult to withdraw a badge that is being systematically abused by a friend or family member, a local authority may refuse to reissue a badge if it has reasonable grounds for believing that the applicant would permit another person to use it (Regulation 8(2)(d)(ii) of the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) Regulations 2000). Following any report of misuse, the Welsh Government suggests that a letter be sent to the badge holder informing them of the report of suspected misuse, reiterating their rights and responsibilities and the repercussions of abusing or misusing the badge. See regulation 6(4)(b) of the 2000 regulations. This includes: the application process and help to apply. This consent should be asked for in the Declaration section of the Blue Badge application form. The Welsh Government is responsible for the policy and legislative framework for the Scheme. A carer can apply on behalf of any applicant however they must read and sign the declarations within the application, stating their relationship to the applicant. We provide powered scooters, wheelchairs and manual wheelchairs to help people who have limited mobility (through permanent or temporary disablement, illness, accident or age) to shop or visit other facilities within Swansea City Centre. The Welsh Government aims to use appropriate language in line with the social model. In order to make the final weeks of life easier for the person local authorities could consider issuing a Blue Badge. The BBDS has an on-line facility to allow a badge holder to notify their local authority of a lost or stolen badge. Where badges are subsequently reported as stolen by badge holders, some authorities will request the badge holder provides a crime investigation number (issued by the police), before providing a replacement. If you need further advicethen please contact us on 01792 637366and we will be pleased to help you. An organisational badge may be issued to an organisation for use in a motor vehicle or vehicles when the vehicle or vehicles are to be used to carry people who would themselves be eligible for a badge were they to make an individual application (Footnote 1). Appropriate declarations need to be incorporated into the Blue Badge application form in order to enable applicants to give their permission to the local authority to access existing records. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. When you apply you will need to provide an original award letter from the Department of Work and Pensions which shows your entitlement for this benefit. Where you cannot park. Medical conditions such as asthma, Crohns disease, conditions leading to incontinence and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) Blue Badge application processes It is for the local authority to decide their own procedures and these may include drop-in centres, telephone, postal and online WebThe City and County of Swansea Council (Welsh: Cyngor Dinas a Sir Abertawe), or simply Swansea Council (Welsh: Cyngor Abertawe), is the local authority for the city and county of Swansea, one of the principal areas of Wales.The principal area also includes rural areas to the north of the built-up area of Swansea and the Gower Peninsula to the A mobility assessment is a meeting with a healthcare professional who will check if you're: Your local council will give you a decision in around 12 weeks. Targeted operations are often the most effective ways of tackling abuse. The local authority may wish to contact the certifying person where deemed necessary. See regulation 9(1)(c) of the 2000 regulations. The Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions to help people who are severely sight impaired, or permanently physically impaired, travel independently. Find out if you qualify for a Blue Badge. When you receive your Blue Badge you will also get a copy of the booklet 'The Blue Badge Scheme: Rights and Responsibilities in Wales'. The serious deterioration that occurs does not need to be permanent but it should require medical intervention for them to recover. Applicants will still need to provide the appropriate photographs, any supporting documents required (i.e. It is recommended good practice that identity be checked through one of the following forms of evidence: Local authorities may also use a holistic approach to establish identity because it is recognised that in some rare cases, an applicant will not have any of the above standard documentation. Effective enforcement is resource intensive and authorities may find it makes sense to focus their attention on those areas where the most fraud appears to take place. Proof of both award of a lump sum benefit at tariffs 1 to 8 of the Armed Forces; Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme and certification of having a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking; or is in receipt of Armed Forces Compensation Scheme at tariff 6 for a permanent mental disorder, causing severe functional limitation or restriction. Local authorities may not wish to charge for replacement badges if there is evidence that the badge has been stolen, for instance where the badge holder has reported the theft to the police and provides the local authority with a police incident number. This model is recognised by disabled groups and was formally adopted by the Welsh Government in 2002. Particularly useful information provided as part of this free service is a home telephone number of the badge holder (where provided) and a copy of the photograph used on the badge. It is also recommended that all employees of the organisation who will be using the badge are reminded that they must only use the badge for the purposes of transporting eligible people who meet one or more of the eligibility criteria for a badge. The scheme as it currently stands is governed by the following Regulations: All of the above Statutory Instruments (and the Acts) can also be viewed on Legislation.gov.uk website. Details are set out in the Parking Card for People with Disabilities in the European Union". It is recommended that local authorities include declarations at the end of the application form for the applicant to review and sign. Parking badges for people with impairments from countries outside the EU vary in design and it would be hard for local enforcement officers to verify their authenticity; inspection of a badge would be advisable where there is doubt. GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. A person can be convicted of forging or copying a blue badge and/or using that forgery/copy under this Act. Under section 21(4BA) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (the 1970 Act), a police officer, parking attendant or civil enforcementofficer can approach a person in a vehicle displaying a Blue Badge (or a person who appears to have been in or to be about to get into, the vehicle) and require them to produce the badge for inspection. You can find more information about how to do this in the letter from your council. Local authorities should make it clear when issuing a badge that it should be returned to the issuing authority if the recipient no longer needs it (Footnote 13). This new evidence should then be considered by the Blue Badge Team or case officer and if the application is rejected again, a further explanation of the decision should be provided. The speed at which they are able to walk. WebGo to City and County of Swansea Council website You can only use this service to get information about the Blue Badge scheme from councils in England. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. WebYou'll need some information to apply or re-apply for a Blue Badge. In all circumstances, badges must be issued to the organisation and not to individual employees. All applications should be handled sensitively and applicants and their carers treated with respect and courtesy, but this is particularly important when an applicant is terminally ill. Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. a person with a serious illness where the treatment may be debilitating, for example treatment for cancer; a person with severe functional leg impairments who is awaiting or who has undergone joint replacement (e.g. When you are eligible for a Blue Badge. You do not have severe cognitive impairment. We are aware of some cases where local authorities believe people may be trying to use fake badges, claiming they have been issued by another country, and enforcement officers have remained suspicious about their validity. The BBDS, provided by Valtech Ltd includes: Local authorities have instant access to details on Blue Badge holders from anywhere in Great Britain, not just in their local authority area. It is important that detailed information on the eligibility criteria is provided to all applicants at an early stage to provide realistic expectations and prevent time being wasted by applicants who do not meet the criteria. You can follow the link provided here to tailor your experience, or accept all and continue on this page. A replacement badge is valid until the expiry date of the Where an applicant has provided a caravan or mobile home site address on their application, local authorities will need to verify this information. You have not received money under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme Tariff 1-8 (inclusive). They will give you a decision in around 12 weeks. In the absence of any other proof, it is recommended that local authorities accept a utility bill. The local authority must ensure that a robust assessment can be made, using healthcare professional evidence, including reports, letters (not appointment letters) summaries and assessments by relevant healthcare professionals involved in an applicants care. GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Local authorities should consider developing a range of tools and techniques to deal with different types of offenders and different types of offences. Applications in these cases must be able to confirm they have a diagnosis of a cognitive impairment. Tackling Blue Badge fraud can be complicated and resource intensive. You are not completely unable to walk, have considerable difficulty walking or have substantial impairment to mobility. Local authorities may refuse to issue a badge where the applicant holds or has held a badge, misused it and received a relevant conviction (Footnote 10). For example, if an applicant is only able to walk for less than one minute in total then walking is likely to be very difficult for them. Local authorities will need to capture core data in order to determine eligibility and to process the application through the BBDS to obtain the badge. People who may be issued with a badge without further assessment are those who are more than two years old and fall within one or more of the automatic eligibility descriptions below. Local authorities will need to deal with these on a case by case basis. It is recommended that proof of address be provided in the form of an original council tax bill bearing the applicants name and address. Eligibility should be carefully considered to maximise the fairness and consistency of decision making on eligibility for a badge before it is issued. These conditions, such as multiple sclerosis may improve temporarily but the prognosis for the condition is permanent and degenerative. See regulation 9(1)(e) of the 2000 regulations. providing false information), it may be possible to prosecute the individual under section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006. Local authorities may not wish to charge for replacement badges if there is evidence that the badge has been stolen, for instance where the badge holder has reported the theft to the police and provides the authority with a police incident number. experience. Individual badge holders should not to be in possession of more than one badge because this would undermine the scheme and increase the opportunities for abuse. Your local council processes your application and decides if you can get a Blue Badge. We will look again at the decision taking into account the extra evidence. If the information available is not sufficient to make a decision on the application the local authority may wish to interview the person further or refer them to the Independent Assessment Service. It is recommended that an auditable record of the approach be kept where identity is verified in this way. They are responsible for determining and implementing administrative, assessment and enforcement procedures in accordance with the governing legislation. When you apply you will need to provide one of the following an appointment for a memory clinic; registration on the local authority learning disabilities register; a letter from a healthcare professional involved in the treatment. WebBlue Badge Scheme in Wales: guidance to local authorities 2021 Guidance for local authorities on how to deliver the Blue Badge Scheme. Your local council processes your application. BBDS have several delivery arrangements including fast track delivery for applications from people with a special case terminally ill (for an additional cost). WebUse our checker to find out if you are eligible for a Blue Badge. The individual should have a copy of their CVI(W), and should be encouraged to register if they have not already done so as they may also be entitled to various other benefits. This will help the authority to provide greater transparency to applicants and to demonstrate that correct procedures have been followed in event of a complaint. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. This process can be made easier through the use of technology. If the applicant has lost their HRMCDLA award or uprating letter, then they can be advised to contact the Disability Service Centre for a current award letter. The applicant may still be considered eligible if they demonstrate very considerable difficulty in walking through any other factors. We use cookies to collect anonymous data to help us improve your site browsing Protected characteristics consist of: race, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership and gender reassignment. There is a role however, for all enforcement officers in identifying, lost, stolen and fraudulent badges as part of their day to day activities. A local authority may require the return of a badge on account of its misuse leading to a relevant conviction or where the authority is satisfied that the badge was obtained by false representation (Footnote 12). If youare recovering from, or awaiting treatment for serious illnesses or injuries you may qualify for a temporary 12 month badge. Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 introduced a Public Sector Equality Duty which requires public bodies - including local authorities - to have due regard to the need to: This Duty came into force on 6 April 2011. Changing or handing back a When you apply you will need to provide one of the following an ophthalmologist report; CV1/BD8 form confirming the applicant is severely sight impaired (Blind); registration with the local authority as sight impaired at the severe level. However, applicants will need to provide healthcare professional supporting evidence and need to show that they have considerable difficulty walking. Several factors may be relevant and having considerable difficulty walking is defined as one or more of the following: Excessive pain reported by the applicant when walking, or as a consequence of the effort of walking. Local authorities can arrange to share the information held by BBDS which will reduce requests for ad hoc information. WebA blue badge enables people with a seriously impaired ability to walk, or those registered severely visually impaired, either as a passenger or driver, to park close to their destination. The line can also be used for injecting medication, Syringe drivers: are used to deliver medication by intravenous injection (e.g. Blue Badges are not renewed It is for the local authority to determine for how long they withdraw or refuse to issue a badge to an applicant in such cases. Declarations can be used to confirm that the applicant: These declarations will also provide evidence in any enforcement action that may be taken if badges are issued because of inaccurate information being provided on the application form. Mobility Activity 1 plus Mobility Activity 2. Local authorities will need to check whether the organisation in question: Applications for badges from organisations caring for people should be examined to ensure that they are genuine and necessary. It is more often the case that a MacMillan nurse or relevant health specialist will be the person applying on behalf of an individual. Click 'Accept all cookies' to agree to all cookies that collect anonymous data. In these circumstances, where a local authority receives an application and refuses to issue a badge they are required to issue a notice stating the grounds for refusal to the applicant (Footnote 11). When using this marker to check that the correct badge holder is using the badge, officers should be aware of, and deal sensitively with, individuals who may have undergone - or be undergoing - gender reassignment. Any such reminders should be handled very sensitively given the circumstances that family or carers will be facing following their bereavement. Local authorities will need to carefully consider the evidence provided by applicants. Furthermore, the enforcement officer does not need to be in uniform but they do need to be authorised in writing by the authority to carry out badge inspections and retentions. In the majority of cases there is no statutory appeal process after the local authority has decided to turn down an application (Footnote 9). When the local authority has determined that an application meets the criteria they will need to process the application details through BBDS Manage Blue Badges web-app (or via their own Case Management System). The badge is usually valid for 3 years. WebThe Blue Badge scheme helps you park nearer to your destination if you have a disability. Most drivers with impairments in both arms drive an adapted vehicle and should be able to provide insurance documents which contain statements to this effect. when the badge is lost or stolen), amends the existing inspection power so that authorised enforcement officers in plain clothes may inspect badges (this was limited to constables and specified enforcement officers who in consequence of other legislation generally had to be uniformed), provide constables and enforcement officers with power to retain a badge that has been produced to them and which is cancelled, due for return, being misused or fake, clarify the existing offences relating to the wrongful use of Blue Badges to put beyond doubt that it is an offence to use a badge that should have been returned and apply the same offences to a badge that has been cancelled, has already been cancelled e.g. When using the power to retain a badge being misused by someone other than the genuine badge holder ((d), as above), enforcement officers should establish that the disabled badge holder is not part of the journey. the details of your current Blue Badge (if you're reapplying). On the GOV.UK website the Blue Badge is included in a list of items about which a deceased individuals family may need to contact their local authority, as part of the process of registering the death. Damaged badges should also be returned to the local authority to be officially destroyed (Footnote 17). In areas where parking has not been decriminalised, the police and civil enforcement officers enforce criminal offences and issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) on street, and local authorities civil enforcement officers issue Excess Charge Tickets (ECTS) in Council operated car parks. The formal notification required to register as severely sight impaired is a Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI(W)) signed by a Consultant Ophthalmologist. That is because the power to retain a badge is not the same thing as a power to permanently withdraw/confiscate a badge. You do not have a child under the age of three who has a medical condition which requires bulky medical equipment or needs to always be near a vehicle. If you do not agree with the decision not to award a Blue Badge to you and have information or evidence that was not given with your original application, you should send it to us within one calendar month of the date of the decision letter we sent you. WebApply for or renew a Blue Badge Check your eligibility and apply for a Blue Badge. This shines light through the skin and monitors the amount of oxygen in the blood. Additionally local authorities will need to consider how to collect expired badges. They can be contacted via the free-phone enquiry number: 0808 191 4218. It also reduces the potential for fraud through multiple applications. You do not receive War Pensioners Mobility Supplement. The act of returning the badge does not preclude the relevant authority from prosecuting any offence that has been committed, if desired. 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swansea council blue badge