richard speck video

100 Ghost Street: The Return of Richard Speck: Directed by Martin Wichmann Andersen. Throughout his time there, he regularly got caught with drugs and moonshine. [deleted] 4 yr. ago. Richard Speck Biography document.body.appendChild(newdiv); Speck had reason to fear he would not survive long enough to be executed by the state. She eventually crawled out onto a window ledge and screamed for help. In 1966, Richard Speck committed one of the most horrifying mass murders in American history when he brutalized and killed eight student nurses living on Chicago's South Side. Richard Speck ttete in nur einer Nacht acht Frauen.Wenn ihr mich untersttzen wollt, gibt es hier ein paar Mglichkeiten:*Mein aktueller Film "Pestilenz" au. Speck moved back to his childhood state of Illinois. Despite getting married, the relationship wasn't a loving one, and Shirley reportedly suffered abuse at the hands of her new husband. Richard Speck was sentenced to life in prison for his crimes, and he died from a heart attack in 1991. Speck, however, seemed to have a knack for making a quick escape and keeping police forces guessing. Subsequent nationwide enquiries also raised the other incidents in which Speck was suspected, as well as his criminal record. When 23-year-old Corazon Amurao opened the front door to Speck's knock, he forced his way in at gunpoint. Speck died of a heart attack in 1991, one day shy of his 50th birthday. Upon entering the residence, Speck encountered 9 young women, all of which he tied up at gunpoint using strips torn from bedsheets. Now, four years after his death, he's shocking people again as the grotesque star of a drug-and-sex videotape that suggests a prison system run amok. I was homeless for a bit and was strung out. Students and staff of one of the leading and largest higher education institutions in the UK are accusing the university of UK Scotland. Maybe if we were calm and quiet he will be, too. Richard Speck horrified the public with his savage killings of eight student nurses in 1966. In the video, Speck also casually admits to the killing of the nurses, describing the strangulations in some detail, and bragging about the strength required to kill someone in this manner. There, he raped her, and stole a gun from her purse. THIS TAPE AND IT'S CONTENTS SENT RAGE THROUGH THE CITY. Yeah I find the thought of anyone getting raped upsetting, even if they were a rapist and shit. Apparently he was selling that bussy for drugs and protection. In 1996, five years after Speck's death, a TV journalist made public a prison video, which showed Speck taking drugs and engaging in sex with another inmate during the 1980s, while he was an inmate at Statesville Correctional Institute; Speck appears to have breasts in the video, apparently as a result of hormone treatment received while in prison, and is wearing women's underwear. His sentence was commuted to eight consecutive terms of 50 to 150 years each. Wilkening spit in Specks face and told him shed remember his face for a lineup. Perhaps losing track of the number of women present, one student nurse, Corazon Amurao, hid under the bed until the carnage was over (via NBC News). deserve much more punishment than just living uncomfortably. I'm not saying he was not guilty of horrendous crimes, because he was and most people even with mid- to severe neurological problems can control themselves. Between the hundreds of fingerprints Speck left at the crime scene and Amuraos positive identification in court, the trial was open and shut, lasting only 12 days. Likely because of these late arrivals, Speck must have lost count of how many women he had tied up, as he forgot about Amurao. Although Speck appears to be enjoying himself in prison videos, it is most likely that he was pretending. The United States Supreme Court invalidated the death penalty in 1972 (it was reinstated in 1976), which meant Speck and all other death row inmates had their penalties reversed. One of the first famous crime scene photos was taken on May 5, 1903, in the home of a Parisian woman named Madame Debeinche who had been murdered. He was denied parole seven times. The psychiatrist is convinced that Speck sought to punish himself by emulating a womans physique and spending the rest of his life being sexually used by men. In 1972, Speck was re-sentenced to from 400 to 1,200 years in prison (eight consecutive sentences of 50 to 150 years). But the videotaping? //Get the selected text and append the extra info I wasnt a Ill kill you for $20 type junkie but I was a petty thief and panhandler and those are the people I found myself around. Everyone has seen the video of serial Killer Richard Speck in prison in the 80s doing drugs with other inmates, having sex with them, and sporting what appears to be hormone-induced breasts. Its like a law of attraction thing. At issue will be a video aired by a Chicago television station that shows Richard Speck, one of America's most notorious killers, cavorting around an Illinois maximum-security jail in women's. Speck viewed women through the prism of a Madonna / Whore complex, and treated them accordingly. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Even into adulthood, Speck would often be financially dependent on his doting sisters, as he was perpetually drunk and frequently jobless. He also did poorly in school, and soon, he turned to drinking heavily, just like his stepfather. The doctor called the authorities as soon as possible, and that was how the killer was caught. Unlike other prison jobs, where an inmate reports to a fixed location like the kitchen or the laundry, he moved throughout the prison. Richard Speck was a murderer notorious for killing eight student nurses in 1966. SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) _ In the videotape secretly recorded in a maximum-security prison, mass murderer Richard Speck strips off his jumpsuit to reveal womens blue underwear. The True Crime Podcast Database is also linked in our wiki with over a thousand entries. Speck broke in through the window of the townhouse at 11 p.m. on July 13, 1966, and made his way to the bedrooms. 180 Share 13K views 3 years ago THE RICHARD SPECK VIDEO FROM STATEVILLE MAXIMUM SECURITY PENITENTIARY. He was permitted to plead down to aggravated assault, and got off with a slap on the wrist. How Speck and two other inmates at Stateville Correctional Center got into an area with video equipment reserved for staff training is something that corrections spokesman Nic Howell called the ``$60 million question.. Mugshot of Richard Speck, taken when he was 23. Speck was a painter. Amurao took to the witness stand for the trial, and in a dramatic moment, stood directly in front of Richard Speck, pointed at him, almost touching his chest, and said, This is the man. The prosecution also found fingerprints matching Specks prints at the scene of the crime. After Speck was arrested for burglary and assault, he fled to Chicago to seek shelter with his sister, Martha, a couple of months later. AS SPECK IS SEEN WITH HORMONE INDUCED BREASTS, A FEMALE BOWL HAIRCUT, AND PANTYHOSE. Youre in for a treat, Did you look it up? I dont think he actually liked doing it at all. In 1991, while still in prison, Speck died of a heart attack. From left, top are: student nurses Gloria Jean Davy, 22, Mary Ann Jordan, 20, Suzanne Farris, 21, and Valentina Pasion, 23, and bottom, Patricia Matusek, 20, Merlita Gargullo, 23, Pamela Wilkening, 20, and Nina Schmale, 24, all of whom were slain in July 1966 by Richard Speck. If so, sorry about the nightmares, I dont know about everyone and now I cant unsee this. On the night of the crime, 24-year-old Speck snuck into a townhouse in Chicago where the nurses lived. He went back to his office and looked through the newspaper, and that's when it dawned on him that his patient looked just like the wanted man. Speck brought her to his room where he raped her and stole her mail-order .22 caliber Rhm pistol. The inmates did not kill Speck, because they preferred to use him sexually. Came into the spotlight with his activities in the prison when the video tapes featuring Speck performing oral sex, doing cocaine, parading in silk panties and sporting female-like breasts surfaced. Advertisement IT SHOWED UP ANIMOUSLY IN THE MAIL OF A CHICAGO NEWS STATION AFTER HE PASSED. Richard Benjamin Speck[1][2] (December 6, 1941 December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on the night of July 13 into the early morning hours of July 14, 1966.He was convicted at trial and sentenced to death, but the sentence was later overturned due to issues with jury selection at his trial. There, they found stolen items from reported thefts, but Speck was nowhere to be found. By July of that year, Speck had outstayed his welcome and attempted to get a job on a ship with the National Maritime Union. ONE WERE SPECK NOW HAD HORMONE INDUCED BREASTS A WOMAN'S HAIRCUT AND PANTYHOSE. To evade further police questioning, Speck skipped town and found work on a ship. Five years after his death, a videotape of inmates at the maximum-security prison where Speck was incarcerated was sent to the media. Now that youve read about Richard Speck, learn about serial killer Edmund Kemper, whose story is almost too gross to be real. He missed the birth of his daughter, Bobby Lynn, as he was behind bars at the time, serving a brief stint on charges of theft and check fraud. After moving back to Monmouth to live with his sister, he stabbed a man in a bar fight, stole a car and robbed a grocery store, then burgled, tortured, and raped a 65-year-old woman in her home. He repeated the eighth grade and eventually dropped out in the second semester of his first year of high school. In 1965, Speck attacked a woman in the parking lot of her apartment building with a 17-inch carving knife. Speck never expressed remorse for his victims. The first known man to chemically 'transition gender' while in a United States prison, Richard Speck was a serial rapist, mass murderer, intimate partner abuser and suspected serial killer. As Speck had planned, the breasts he developed were enticing to other inmates at Statesville Correctional Institute in Joliet, Illinois. Though Speck had fled, he was easily recognized after he went to a hospital a few days later and a doctor noticed his tattoo after reading about it in a newspaper. On July 13, 1966, Speck unleashed his terror on Chicago by breaking into a building in the neighborhood of South Deering. His crimes show a pathological hatred of women. Richard Speck is the first recognized name. This comment cracked me up. Speck admitted he committed the killings _ breaking for the first time his claim of drug-induced amnesia. A total of eight woman, between ages 19 and 24, were systematically bound, robbed, beaten, strangled and stabbed during Speck's frenzy. At one point, a prisoner from behind the camera asked Speck why he killed the eight student nurses, to which he merely replied, It just wasnt their night, and laughed. On July 12 after receiving an assignment, Speck arrived at the ship only to find his position had been given to someone else. She stayed hidden under the bed until 6 a.m. for safe measure, hours after Speck had finished his rampage. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Although Speck was initially sentenced to death, the sentence was later overturned due to issues with jury selection at his trial. Its just fucked up. He was ultimately released after six months due to an error. Thank you! Who leaked the video? ``And if thats happening, it doesnt matter what watch its happening on, thats not what the taxpayers of illinois are bargaining for.. Around this time, Speck sexually attacked a random woman at knife-point and nearly killed her. He is in that room because he is just like the other two guys in the room. Men who rape and murder women were despised and targeted by other prisoners. He stayed there for five days awaiting a shipping assignment and in that time, committed the worst of his crimes. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. Speck delayed his execution by filing numerous appeals. During his trial, which began on April 3, 1967, Speck claimed to have no recollection of the murders, something that did not bother the prosecution as they already had an eye-witness ready to identify him. Women Are Human is dedicated to exploring the impact of the modern gender identity ideology movement on society, particularly on women and girls, from legal identity, legal rights, safety, health, sexuality, participation in sports, politics, careers and more. Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck: Directed by Michael Feifer. The victims' families have finally released the footage that documents their last days. ``They have anal and oral sex for the camera.. Speck's trial began on April 3, 1967, and his claim that he had no recollection of the eight murders committed placed Corazon Amurao in the spotlight as the star witness. My friends are all dead. In order to ensure his continued survival in the dangerous prison, Speck wore silky womens underwear, consumed hormones to make his body more feminine, and adapted effeminate mannerisms. However, Lindberg was an alcoholic with a criminal record that included drunk-driving and forgery, and he verbally demeaned Speck and his younger sister Carolyn. Despite concerns about her ability to testify after her harrowing ordeal, she gave a faultless performance, impressing the jury with every detail of that evening, identifying Speck unequivocally. Just a few glimpses of the video have been shown (in the A&E) documentary about Richard. Bettmann/Getty ImagesCorazon Amurao, the lone survivor of the brutal Chicago massacre of eight student nurses. As long as he has a knife or gun. After his father's death, Richard's mother remarried and the family moved to Dallas, Texas. He was also heard saying, "If they knew how much fun I was having in here, they would turn me loose," as reported by AP News. Before then, he had been responsible for other acts of violence against his family and others but had a knack for escaping the police. I am somehow a PhD, more or less calm and collected most of the time and, needless to say, I look at this case with utter horror, because if not for proper diagnosis and treatments received over the years (as well as generally supportive family and social circles) probability of me being a violent criminal would've been rather high. On the evening of July 13, 1966, Richard Speck snuck into the boarding house of the student nurses where he would take the lives of his final victims. ``To use cocaine, to smoke marijuana, to have explicit sexual contact with who knows how many people, thats a disaster, said Republican Rep. Peter Roskam. ``Obviously there was a breakdown in the supervision.. According to The Crime of the Century: Richard Speck and the Murders That Shocked A Nation, Specks violence only escalated from there. Of course, just two years later, Charles Manson would end the 60s decade of love for good. Transgender Policy That Led to Male Sex Offenders in Womens Jails Set to be Women are Being Driven Out of Jobs After Questioning Gender Identity Ideology, Students Do Not Have the Right to NOT Be Seen Naked By Opposite Sex, Judge Rules, Male, Extremely Violent Sexual Offender Claims to be a Woman, Seeks Lighter Sentence, Transparadoxes: Self-Contradictions of the Gender Identity Movement, Revealed The Tactics Used to Advance Gender Self-Identification on the Quiet, Countering Misconceptions Around Sex, Gender, and Sexuality, Not My Cup of T: Interview with Vaishnavi Sundar, Filmmaker Exploring Rise in Girls Treated for Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria. A public school teacher referred to all students by their last names to circumvent a school policy requiring staff to use UK Leeds, England. Speck died of a heart attack after 25 years in prison. UK England; Wales. On the night of July 13, 1966, 25-year-old career criminal Richard Speck broke into the townhouse for student nurses of the South Chicago Community Hospital, with an intention of committing a routine burglary. Laramore, serving a 60-year sentence for murder, is still in the Illinois . The remarriage of Specks mother to Carl Lindberg three years later and the familys subsequent relocation to Dallas, Texas gave the resentful boy an excuse to rebel against his strict religious upbringing. Vintage Prison Video (Spree Killer Richard Speck) 17. That same year, a barmaid named Mary Kay Pierce was found beaten to death at her place of work called Frank's Place. Speck, infuriated at Wilkenings disgust and defiance, took his fury out on the two women entering, and stabbed them 20 times as they tried to flee the apartment. ``It vindicates our view that his conduct was not drug induced and was not done in amnesiac state, but it is little solace to the victims families at this point or anybody else, said former chief prosecutor William J. Martin. After a mile, he came across a townhouse that was functioning as a dormitory for nine student nurses at the South Chicago Community Hospital. We still don't know jack when it comes to serial killers and mass murders in terms of common neurological problems between them and it's not something we at this point should just sweep under the rug. In 1996, a bizarre video taken of Speck in 1988 was released to the public by an anonymous attorney. She climbed out on a window ledge and screamed for help, at which point concerned neighbors summoned the police. He tied up the women and went on his rampage. He was also charged with fraud. The thing is though we tend to find ourselves around people like ourselves. Which is something so uncommon it has no freaking name. Everywhere the ship docked, women seemed to come up missing or brutally killed. After the grueling attack, which lasted for almost six hours, Speck forgot about Amurao and fled the scene. The more you read into his whole biography the more it feels like that was precisely the case of severely un- and/or mistreated neurological problem out-of-control, because it pretty much shows a pattern of him spiraling into alcoholism and increasingly mindless crimes in certain intervals that are becoming shorter as we get into 1966. The family no longer struggled financially due to Lindbergs lucrative career in insurance. After the killing spree, Speck was able to evade authorities for a few days. Astrological Sign: Sagittarius, Death Year: 1991, Death date: December 5, 1991, Death State: Illinois, Death City: Joliet, Death Country: United States, Article Title: Richard Speck Biography, Author: Editors, Website Name: The website, Url:, Publisher: A&E Television Networks, Last Updated: December 1, 2021, Original Published Date: April 2, 2014. If we were calm and quiet he will be, too the 60s decade of love for good encountered young! Have been shown ( in the neighborhood of South Deering six months due to an error & # ;... Prison, Speck unleashed his terror on Chicago by breaking into a townhouse in Chicago where the nurses lived the... Dallas, Texas seemed to have a knack for making a quick escape and keeping forces... Crime Podcast Database is also linked in our wiki with over a thousand entries too... He forced his way in at gunpoint using strips torn from bedsheets over a entries. 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