current defcon level 2022

Taiwan has been sending military aircraft and drones into the airspace around the island of Taiwan, some of which cross into Taiwan's air defense identification zone nearly every single day since former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the island on August 2nd, 2022. Readout of Secretary of Defense Meeting With Ministers of Defense for Finland and Sweden - Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Meeting With Ministers of Defense for Finland and Sweden, Antti Kaikkonen and Peter Hultqvist. A second worldwide travel alert was also put out for a "Global Level 3 Health Advisory" that said that citizens should "reconsider travel" abroad due to COVID-19. Can you give us a sense of how big is it? US Military Investigates Blood Cancer Cases In Personnel Who Manned Nuclear Missile Silos At Montana Base - MONTANA - The U.S. Military is investigating blood cancer cases involving officers who had previously worked at a nuclear missile base in Montana. As the international trade volumes continue to soar, these officers and specialists consistently protect our frontline by stopping thousands of illicit shipments while facilitating more than 69 million legitimate transactions.. I am waiting now to receive visual confirmation. He has ideas that are not our ideas, but he's not insane. "Therefore, I think its very much in our interest as a policy matter in the United States to make clear our commitment to the status quo, to make clear we are not interested as a country in changing that status quo, that we are deeply opposed to anyone trying to change that unilaterally, especially by the use of force". Secretary General, there is a growing rhetoric, nuclear rhetoric, banalisation of the nuclear rhetoric in Moscow, and NATO is assessing the nuclear situation in Russia. Read more, August 20, 2022 - Security Alert for the United States embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia in Africa. Thank you. It is impossible not to notice this reality.". DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: "Today at 2:42 p.m., at the direction of President Biden, and based on the recommendations of Secretary Austin and military leadership, an F-16 fired an AIM9x to successfully shoot down an airborne object flying at approximately 20,000 feet altitude in U.S. airspace over Lake Huron in the State of Michigan. The DEFCON 2 exercise term is Fast Pace.. Event: Russia has launched attacks against Ukraines civilian infrastructure as well as government facilities in Kyiv and elsewhere. Both reports say that the transfer of weapons to Poland and Latvia is part of strengthening and reinforcing NATO's eastern flank. 3.Canceling China-U.S. Military Maritime Consultative Agreement (MMCA) meetings. Our best assessment right now is that it does not. After sanctions are imposed, they must be enforced equally against all U.S. citizens in order to be successful. Since Russian military forces began invading Ukraine on Thursday, the United States andits NATO allies have imposedmultiple sanctions on the country in hopes of de-escalating the invasion. This, amidst a report that Washington is warming up to the idea of aiding Ukraine in strikes on Crimea, Ukrainian territory that was annexed by Russia. Change the 'width' value to costomize the size percentage. This exercise was the largest U.S-Israel partnered exercise in history, said Deputy Pentagon Spokesperson Sabrina Singh, who held a news conference today. The capabilities in this package include: 31 Abrams tanks with 120mm rounds and other ammunition; Eight Tactical Vehicles to recover equipment; Support vehicles and equipment; Funding for training, maintenance, and sustainment. Under the Digital Assets and Registered Exchanges Act, 2020 (DARE Act), the Commission has the authority to apply for a judicial order to protect the interests of clients or customers of a registrant of the Commission under the DARE Act. Talks will include "a real practical manifestation of that ongoing support and unity" to provide Ukraine with the means necessary to defend itself, the official said. Read more, October 15, 2022 - EUROPE - NATO put out a statement on Friday saying that it would be launching its annual nuclear exercises "Steadfast Noon". The suspected ICBM test carried out by North Korea yesterday is reported to have failed after launch. Is it as big as a car? As part of their negotiations with Deripaskas agent, MCGONIGAL, SHESTAKOV, and the agent attempted to conceal Deripaskas involvement by, among other means, not directly naming Deripaska in electronic communications, using shell companies as counterparties in the contract that outlined the services to be performed, using a forged signature on that contract, and using the same shell companies to send and receive payments from Deripaska. DoD: "BRIGADIER GENERAL PAT RYDER: Good evening, everyone. Although some reports say three objects have been shot down over North America, Reuters reports that four objects have actually been downed in total. There are many ways you can Contribute or Subscribe to Defcon Level Warning System today, for live email updates, early access for and exclusive news and alerts while supporting our work in the process. "Over the past three decades, our relationship has only deepened," Austin said at the beginning of the meeting. The subsequent investigation and search of the vehicle resulted in the seizure of 9.4 pounds of fentanyl and 4.9 pounds of heroin, totaling an estimated street value of $178,000, and a 40-caliber handgun. The nine are: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. He added, And if this base in Ushuaia materializes, it could become the first of many others, both on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts or the Andean area". Well, I First of all, I think that we have to remember the starting point of this discussion. And the important thing now is that all facts are made available, that we have thorough investigations, NATO Allies support the ongoing investigations, and that those responsible are held accountable for these atrocities.". View Tweet. Taiwan said that an "overseas cyberattack" targeted the Office of the President's website. Remarkably, Port of Cincinnati outbound seizures increased by more than 1,400% from the previous fiscal year. Andrey Kartapolov, chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Defense stated that "there will be no general mobilization," but said that martial law "could be introduced in some places". Pentagon: Supersonic Bombers Sent To Guam To Send Message, To Deter Provocations - The Pentagon has confirmed that the B-1B supersonic bombers that arrived in Guam this week is a show of strength in order to deter "potential provocations," after North Korea carried out a series of ballistic missile tests, and fired into the buffer zone with the South. Read more, February 07, 2023 - The Northern Command level (North America), which was raised due to heightened military readiness upon the shoot-down of the Chinese surveillance balloon, has been changed from 2 to 3. The FAA has ordered airlines to pause all domestic departures until 9 a.m. Eastern Time to allow the agency to validate the integrity of flight and safety information. Read Full Article, Pentagon: U.S. The mission now transitions to one of recovery. At the bottom of the scale is DEFCON 5. So any time there's something that's unidentified, by default, we will track that information, and when new information can become available that we can apply, certainly we're going to do that, but to answer your direct question, the DNI would be the best folks to address that portion. ", "Relevant parties need to fulfill their respective international obligations and commitments, and take concrete actions to uphold peace and stability on the #Korean Peninsula and in this region.". The following countries either are sending, or are considering sending tanks to Ukraine: Germany, Poland Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Britain, Denmark, and France. Is it true or not? She said that "It is an alliance that is strong and enduring.". Hey, everybody. Washington believes North Korea has completed all preparations for a seventh nuclear test. The United States has delivered unprecedented security assistance to Ukraine and will continue to work with allies and partners to ensure Ukraine has the support it needs. Senior Defense Official Holds a Background Briefing on High-Altitude Surveillance Balloon - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE transcript of a background briefing regarding the high-altitude surveillance balloon spotted hovering over mainland United States, having come from Alaska, through Canada and into the northern United States from Canada. NATO allied countries are also now voicing support to send battle tanks to Ukraine in order to aid the country in the ongoing war with Russia. Maximize the use of the force and the tools we currently have and extract full value from things that currently exist. Read Full Article, Europe Accuses US Of Profiting From Ukraine War While EU Suffers The Consequences - Top officials within the European Union are reportedly accusing the United States of making a fortune from the war in Ukraine, while EU countries suffer from the consequences of the ongoing war. NATO also said that it will be monitoring Russia's own upcoming nuclear exercise very closely. The anti-satellite missile test involved Russia targeting and destroying one of its own non-functioning satellites, which then generated about 1,500 pieces of space Debris in outer space. Colonel Joe Buccino, CENTCOM (US Central Command) communications director put out a statement saying, "At approximately 2:10 PM local time, US forces brought down an Iranian Mojer-6 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle headed in the direction of Erbil as it appeared as a threat to CENTCOM forces in the area". Long before the shoot down, U.S. officials took steps to protect against the balloon's collection of sensitive information, mitigating its intelligence value to the Chinese. And then given that, is there a kind of intelligence failure here? The object was about the size of a small car so not similar in size or shape to the high-altitude surveillance balloon that was taken down off the coast of South Carolina on February 4th". CISA is an operational component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). And some short follow up to Teris question, you said that ministers will discuss how to refill stocks only tomorrow. A chilling example of how mankind could stumble stupidly into atomic war, columnist Charles Whited opined 25 years later. GENERAL RYDER: Yeah, so on your second question, I'd refer you to the DNI. We will not hesitate to act in the defense of our interests and partners in the region.. CENTCOM Commander Embarks USS West Virginia Ballistic Missile Submarine - "On October 19th, General Michael "Erik Kurilla, commander of CENTCOM, conducted a visit aboard the USS West Virginia, a U.S. Navy Ohio-class nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine at an undisclosed location at sea in international waters in the Arabian Sea. He also said that the United States has not "seen anything that would give us pause to reconsider our own strategic nuclear posture.. QUESTION: Thank you. Read More, Israel Reportedly Behind Attack On Iranian Weapons Factory - Israel reported to be behind the attack on the Iranian weapons factory. So your first question, that's really a question best addressed by the Director of National Intelligence, that puts that report together. Although speculationabounds, officials never publicly state which DEFCON level the country is under, for security reasons. Travel to all areas of Afghanistan is unsafe and the risk of kidnapping or violence against U.S. citizens in Afghanistan is high. Read more, November 19, 2022 - November 30, 2022 - Five vehicles that were rented by U.S. President Joe Biden's Secret Service detail went up in flames while in a parking lot on Monday a day after the President went on vacation in Nantucket, Massachusetts for Thanksgiving. DEFCON 4 is, in a sense, the default level of Defense Readiness Condition for specific military units at any one time. GENERAL RYDER: So yes, so we are -- we are in the process of updating our international allies and partners. This historic vote sends an important signal of the sustained, bipartisan U.S. commitment to NATO, and to ensuring our Alliance is prepared to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow" Read more, August 04, 2022 - At the United Nations, Russia said that although the conflict in Ukraine does not require the use of nuclear weapons, Moscow might decide to resort to a nuclear response as a result of what it says is direct involvement in its conflict with Ukraine by the United States. Please also reviewwhat the U.S. government can and cannot do to assist you in a crisis overseas. NOTAM Activated Over Canada Due To "Active Air Defense Operation - CANADA - A NOTAM has been activated over Toronto, Canada to to an "active air defense operation". Aim for the head. Todays deliberate and lawful action demonstrates that President Biden and his national security team will always put the safety and security of the American people first while responding effectively to the PRCs unacceptable violation of our sovereignty.". Read Full Article, Pentagon Suspends Deliveries Of F-35 Jets After Finding Chinese Made Component - The Pentagon has suspended deliveries of new Lockheed Martin's F-35 aircraft to the army after finding that a component of the jet uses an alloy made in China, which, according to a CNN report, and Interfax, violates federal defense procurement policies. They may conduct attacks with little or no warning, targeting airports and seaports, government buildings, hotels, restaurants, shopping areas, and other areas where large crowds gather and Westerners frequent, as well as government, military, and Western convoys. He also said, "we have not seen the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis" and said "we have a direct threat of the use of nuclear weapons if in fact things continue down the path they are going". Officers located 28 pounds of psilocybin mushrooms hidden behind expanding foam under the sofas seat cushions. The fire was located at the Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility and "a couple of hundred employees" were evacuated. NORAD, NORTHCOM tracked it for the duration. Was it before it crossed into the continental United States? The Chinese Foreign Ministry has strongly protested and condemned Pelosis visit to the island of Taiwan. He's still a rational person, and I think that is important with regard to the use of nuclear weapons". Read more, February 13, 2023 - Statement by the Department of Defense on the "successful" shoot down of an "airborne object" flying at about 20,000 feet in altitude in U.S. airspace over Lake Huron in the state of Michigan. Was it -- did it crash? And so we're confident that what we've learned about this program enables us to be able to monitor and be on the lookout for these kinds of capabilities. Home DEFCON Warning System Update 2/27/22. Check each combatant command section for current raised Defcon Level Warning System alerts. "Secretary Austin has recommended this step because it will enhance Ukraine's capacity to defend its territory and achieve its strategic objective". He also pushed for more cooperation between the United States and Japan that go beyond semiconductors, to biotechnology, quantum science and artificial intelligence. The Chinese state media said the drills included the Shandong aircraft carrier group, several different types of warships and dozens of warplanes and that the aircraft carrier conducted realistic combat-oriented "confrontational exercises" in the South China Sea, citing the PLA Navy in a statement released on Saturday. For security reasons, the U.S. military never publicly releases the current DEFCON level. Read more, November 16, 2022 - Article 5 is not automatic, it needs to be agreed upon. Read more, February 09, 2023 - Pentagon Press Secretary Pat Ryder says that the Pentagon is aware of four previous balloons having gone over the United States, and that they are a part of a "larger Chinese surveillance balloon program". These tanks are needed, Biden said, because Ukrainian forces are working to defend the territory they hold and will be better prepared for additional counter-offenses. The report cited the official as saying that the strike targeted a member of IS who was driving a motorcycle in the village of Hamam al-Turkman, which is currently controlled by Turkish-backed Syrian opposition forces near the northern Syrian town of Tel Abyad. What could it change on the battlefield? We do not provide access to classified government information, we are a private intelligence organization. Largest U.S.-Israeli Exercise in History Concludes - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: "Today marks the conclusion of exercise Juniper Oak 23.2. Then the first question [inaudible] Well, Russia has conducted similar attacks earlier in the war, we have seen Of course it has been some time since we have seen similar attacks against Kyiv and some of the cities in the western part of the country, but we have seen attacks against cities in Kherson, in Zaporizhzhia, and other parts of Ukraine actually quite regularly. There are many ways you can Contribute or Subscribe to Defcon Level Warning System today, for live email updates, early access for and exclusive news and alerts while supporting our work in the process. Read more, January 27, 2023 - U.S. and Albanian defense leaders met today at the Pentagon to make a strong bilateral alliance even stronger. Maintaining contact and communication at all levels is an important common understanding reached by the Chinese and US presidents at their meeting in Bali. But most of this capacity is used in the military field and other sectors should also make more efforts in this field. The U.S. Treasury is currently implementing various accounting measures in order to buy time for congress to come up with an agreement on raising the debt limit. Read more, September 07, 2022 - According to a newly declassified U.S. Intelligence, Russia could be purchasing millions of rockets and artillery shells from North Korea. He has been pretty clear about that over the years," Burns stated. We started seafaring much earlier than the Europeans, and this maritime civilization can be revived. At what point do these attacks sorry, do these incidents then become acts of war? Private OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) Alerts & News, Map Of Current Overall World Conflicts, Wars & Civil Wars. ", Today, if my comrades are approaching the shores of the American continent, they are showing signs of the authority of dear Iran. DEFCON Warning System Digest Why are we at DEFCON Warning System Digest Roundtable. As Russian troops continue their invasion of Ukraine, Biden said during aWhite House news briefing on Friday. We have to do the risk-reward here. Somalia remains key to the stability and security in all of East Africa. Read more, September 18, 2022 - Puerto Ricos Governor has reported that the power grid in Puerto Rico has gone black. Carry identification and follow requests from law enforcement. It is not the understanding of the Commission that FDM is a party to the US Chapter 11 Bankruptcy proceedings. The new designation comes as the White House released evidence, including images of Russia allegedly accepting a delivery of arms from North Korea that it stated was intended to aid Wagner forces on the battlefield in Ukraine. SENIOR DEFENSE OFFICIAL: Yes, both good questions. Members of our our intel community pointed out that the United States has maintained 4 bombers in Guam for most of 2022. Event: Ongoing demonstrations within and around the International Zone in Baghdad have turned violent and resulted in deaths and injuries. The Point Blank missile weighs around 15 pounds and is 3 feet in length. The leaders also discussed the impact of the Nord Stream pipeline explosions and the importance of resilience, as well as other security issues in the Nordic region and the Arctic. We maintain the capability to take down balloons. WebBublichek99 (IG) or better known as Vlad Zadorin is one of the 13 people lost their lives on the snake island. During a speech, Biden said "and today, today I'm announcing the the United States will be sending 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, the equivalent of 1 Ukrainian battalion". Read more, August 14, 2022 - White House teleconference press release: On call with Kurt Campbell regarding China and Taiwan and the recent tensions that have arisen in the Taiwan Strait. I don't think we've seen any reason to believe he's given that up," he stated, after being asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin possibly using weapons of mass destruction if his progress in Ukraine is hindered by the Ukrainian military. Juniper Oak is a Combined Joint All-Domain exercise which improves our interoperability on land, in the air, at sea, in space, and in cyberspace with our partners, enhances our ability to respond to contingencies, and underscores our commitment to the Middle East.. We have several Allies who are Western Balkan countries and part of the successful NATO enlargement over the last years has been actually with countries from the Western Balkans, including most recently North Macedonia and Montenegro. A battle of blunders, summarized McGeorge "Mac" Bundy, who was serving as national security adviser at the time to President John F. Kennedy. Forces, according to Iraqi military sources on Sunday, after which the US-led military coalition said it had carried out "an operational exercise", contradicting reports by the Iraqi military that it may have been hostile. The paper also reported that stationing nuclear-armed submarines in waters near South Korea may also provide no significant merit, and said that the 28,500 U.S. soldiers already currently stationed in South Korea may provide enough security assurance and deterrence that the country needs. They hope to engage in cooperation, not confrontation. Major US Security Assistance Package Of $775 Million To Ukraine To Be Unveiled - The United States Department of Defense has released a statement regarding another major security assistance package to be sent to Ukraine valued at $775 million. Another expert, Harry Kazianis, president and CEO of Rogue States Project, a national security think tank based in Washington told the news agency that the United States may be already be patrolling the Pacific on a 'nearly continuous basis". Russia has its own version of DEFCON, although its stages are unclear. What is NATO? :Could thisbe the start of WWIII? Defcon Level Warning System Current Live OSINT Intel, Last Defcon Level System Change: Feb 28th, 2022, Contribute To Defcon Level Warning System, Current Defcon Level Warning System Breaking OSINT Intelligence Alerts, Current Defcon Level Warning System News Stories, News Archive - View Archived News, Intelligence And Alerts. *This message will be updated with further information as its released*. The Airport is currently coordinating with rental car agencies and agency partners to ensure scene safety, There is no longer an active fire at this time: the Airport is open, and aeronautical operations are not affected.". "The crime scene investigation has shown that there have been detonations near Nord Stream 1 and 2, within the Swedish economic zone, resulting in extensive damage to the gas pipelines," SAPO's statement said. Pentagon: Chinese Balloons Part Of Larger Surveillance Program By China - Pentagon Press Secretary Pat Ryder says that the Pentagon is aware of four previous balloons having gone over the United States, and that they are a part of a "larger Chinese surveillance balloon program". He continued by saying that, "If the Ukrainian military was having great success in the spring, and was chopping up the Russian military and was threatening taking back Crimea, then I think that the Russian military and leadership would use a nuclear weapon". Keeping alerts, intel and news as informative and timely as possible takes a lot of research, time, effort and financial investment for required tools and services. Both countries are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance. Deputy Secretary Hicks then flew to Purdue University, Ind., where she visited a range of facilities dedicated to advancements in hypersonics testing and research and visited faculty and PhD students who are focusing their work on hypersonics. Would -- did this happen -- is this true, and did this happen with this administration, that assessment, or with the previous administration? If it is found that it was intentional, however, the likelihood of article 5 will increase tremendously. He added, "and now what it is doing to its own people the repression, the violence that it's perpetrating against the brave Iranians who are taking to the streets; and the military support, the security assistance that it's providing to Russia all of these are compounded and represent what is undeniably one of the most difficult challenges we face". U.S. officials first detected the balloon and its payload on January 28 when it entered U.S. airspace near the Aleutian Islands. NATO's yearly nuclear exercises normally run for around one week, and includes fighter jets capable of carrying nuclear missiles, though they do not carry live-nuclear weapons during the exercises. Beata Pomecka, Polish Radio, public broadcaster. #ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded to these activities with aircraft in CAP, naval vessels, and land-based missile systems. Cincinnati Biological Threat Operation Specialists (BTOS) discovered multiple shipments of unknown-origin recombinant proteins from China accompanied with fraudulent documentation. This video posted two years ago on his Instagram. DEFCON 1 would be reserved for when an attack is perceived as imminent or already under way when the nations forces are engaged in full-on war mode. Reuters reported that after the U.S. helicopters landed in the village after midnight, the soldiers told residents to stay indoors and keep their lights off over loudspeakers. Read more, August 17, 2022 - Air Force Global Strike Command Airmen launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with a test re-entry vehicle from Vandenberg Space Force Base, California on August 16th. The Air Force says that they are "aware of concerns". But in terms of monitoring these and collecting on them, we have been able to put together a body of knowledge that enables us to be able to detect them and act appropriately. These precision strikes are intended to defend and protect U.S. forces from attacks like the ones on August 15 against U.S. personnel by Iran-backed groups. Luis question was, did you have the capability to take down a balloon? "I think it's extremely important that we all continue to agree on the effect that a nuclear war should not be fought, and can never be won". During the video, he said, "They have shown us in a document, it was a concept treaty text in December 2021. Then, by ensuring that we have credible deterrence and defence, we are helping to reduce the risk of escalation. ", Chinese Aircraft Carrier Approached Guam, Japan, Taiwan - USINDOPACOM: "Navy J-11 fighter pilot performed an unsafe maneuver during and intercept of a U.S. Air Force RC-135 aircraft, which was lawfully conducting routine operations over the South China Sea in international airspace.". Officers also seized 2,133 counterfeit identity documents during FY 2022, which is a 213% increase over FY 2021. Notable finds include: A passport intended for a suspected non-citizen terrorist; Chinese passports with fake U.S. visas; 16 passports with links to a known human smuggling ring; A counterfeit passport for a federal escapee; Documents intended for entities on Interpol watchlists and known members of transnational criminal organizations in multiple countries. The U.S. military never publicly releases the current DEFCON level Warning System Digest Why are at. Can you give us a sense, the default level of DEFENSE Readiness Condition for specific military at. Awhite House news briefing on Friday into atomic war, columnist Charles Whited 25! The snake island of East Africa a balloon attacks sorry, do these attacks sorry, do attacks... States embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia in Africa. `` in Kyiv and elsewhere well government! Is a party to the use of the scale is DEFCON 5 these activities aircraft... Is not the understanding of the meeting for a seventh nuclear test at the of... 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current defcon level 2022