1,000 punishment lines to write

Please refrain from posting "uplifting" threads. Its the corner of Everett and Powell, blue house with a white door Significant others and friends are all welcome. Anyone reading this, if you havent tried dictating your writing into your phone or other device, you should give it a shot! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Great advice, Linda! "I thought about using 'Hotel California' also. For a full list of our rules/more information, click here. Heres a spoiler: Fountain pens are best for pure handwriting speed, but theyre also pricey and difficult to master. "Luke, I remember when you told me to never keep what I think away from you." What do you do when kids forget to put their names or the correct heading on their papers? Youre completely right you should be looking to make the quality better in the editing process; NOT in your first draft. Alsoyou could always try a social media blocker like freedom.to! There are too many things competing for your attention as a teacher. Hi, Sunny! For Mac users who dont want to pay yearly for TextExpander google: aText, a one-time payment of $4.99 from the Mac App Store. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. All I do is grade the paper, write ?? Thats four keystrokes instead of 80! Then I go back and tidy up and maintain focus as the clock ticks down. . Some people are upset at the way iPhones charge. Web1: Exercise More!Buy the shoes. You know it, Arnold! No personal attacks, name calling, or bullying. Youll learn how to create lifelong fans who hang on your every word so you never have to break through the noise again. vocabulary terminology Every week thousands of writers submit stories to our writing contest. i had to do military p.t as punishment so running laps, up downs, invisible chair, or just stand tall for 2hr lectures. FreeTypingGame.Net has, among other goodies, a game called The Frogs Are Off Their Diet. 1: Exercise More!Buy the shoes. Using some tools like Grammarly is the time savers. My worst habit is the irresistible temptation to edit as I go. Nothing makes you a faster writer like knowing youre on the verge of having a potty accident. I hated it just staring at the corner hearing them having a normal conversation as if I wasnt in the room. Were less likely to punish them out of aggravation if we keep this perspective in mind. A similar site, WordGames.com, offers hilariously titled typing challenges like Zombie Typocalypse and Type Type Revolution. His name is It just happened, pop goes the weasel baby.-Jamal Thompson. These tips will definitely make a good difference in my typing skills because of your helpful writing. You know I have the ringtone set to 'Jailhouse Rock' whenever you call from jail." I will try them out immediately. I like to challenge myself. So much that I think it's going to beat out of my chest. (Similar apps include TypeIt4Me for Mac and Breevy for Windows.). Its very rare that I make a blanket statement that a particular action shouldneverbe taken with any student, ever. With practice and training, that may become a reality for you, but to expect it too early in your development is a sure path to failure. Your Google research is all done, so all you need to do now is write. It was really an awesome post and we (the bloggers) need to learn this thing badly for sure. Nicely written and I guess writing faster would be all bloggers dream and some of the bloggers are indeed good at it. Theres also lots of info online on how to get started, such as on this blog here, and also many, many books in both print and e-book format for new writers of any type. I just need to remember to turn off all distractions. I think thats OK sometimes, but if it bogs you down frequently, youll need to train yourself to stop editing as you write. The easier writing becomes, the more confident youll be. Whats your takeis it ever appropriate to have students write sentences for punishment? Brilliant post thank you Linda. THE. (Yes, it slows me WAY down but now that I read your article I can just type TK! I personally dont think its wrong at all. ""I know this must all seem confusing to you, Jason. I really didn't 2012-2023 Smart Blogger Boost Blog Traffic, Inc. This is why my blog comments are much longer nowadays LOL! Executions fell to 4 a year. Full of tips that Ill be able to apply right away, so thanks! It can be used in many different academic and professional contexts, but most often it is assigned as a way for students to develop their research and writing skills. Both "Whoa. Somewhere on the streets, a suspect runs from the scene of a crime. If anyone here has tips for improving your editing speed, Id love to hear them! I know this doesnt answer your question, but perhaps it will spark some creativity in you. :). I was 12 years old. My mother and stepfather both w Students at the University of Electronic Science and Technology will now be forced to write out 1,000 emojis for every time they turn up late to class. Let the assignment teach the child something about himself. I switched from the Qwerty keyboard to Dvorak. I also, plan to try a time challenge, as you recommend. My parents live on an exposed corner in the country with a huge yard and no fence. ! Fast writing isnt magic its practice! Me too! In the meantime, can I clarify a few t 911. Defining 100 vocabulary words would. Yes, its important to have top-notching writing skills and producde quality content but give yourself permission to do B-minus work just to get the ideas down on paper, then go back and edit when youre done. , And I am happy to share it on my social life my network would surely love to know them! Great info, Linda. I encourage you to try out Ommwriterits he best! The TextExpander is a crazy gamble. By the end of the 500 lines, I felt like Id never be able to do anything right. These all 10 points are super helpful to get me on the right track because I love writing but without any schedule, So, I believe the tips are surely gonna work for me (I hope! But I spent 2-3x as long fixing grammar errors and restructuring sentences. I love your writing style. This is a reminder to all participants, RBN is a support group that is moderated very strictly. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. She went absolutely crazy and started shouting at us and saying we were damaging school property. I wasnt even supposed to be there that day. storehouse of words Shes on the way over as we speak. Teachers have to know their students as individuals and every situation is different. Does it? After 1840, 15 executions a year all for murder. Hello! Keep one hour spare in the end to revise, edit, add visuals, recheck arguments, proofread, or even just to read it a couple of times to check the flow of the essay. I dont NaNoWriMo, but I admire everyone who does! . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. My heart is pounding. Even though I *know* I should just write and not edit at the same time, I still fall into that trap. Since two people dont have the same handwriting, it would be difficult to gauge the Linda you really are a brilliant writer. When the saleswoman asks you if youve done much Once the hour is up, you do a word count and lets just say the final tally is less than impressive. Cool. I wish I had known about #3 years ago. The beauty of TK is that this combo of letters very rarely occurs in the English language so once youre done with your draft, you can do a search on the term in your word processing program and fill in the holes. I did nothing wrong. A reader writes: Im a currently an office manager, and I recently messed up and did not submit some health insurance forms that were required and cost my boss 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Thank you for all the tips. Youve just got to heal your wounds and go do whatever victorious armies do. How many times a day are you blogging and how lengthy are your posts? What could be possible if you aimed for B+ work? When we form habits, were sort of training our bodies to expect certain things in certain locations. Her greasy hair and splotchy pink skin burn in my peripheral. The thought of hiding, of not having to interact with a single human being was all I could think about as I made the drive home. Two more ideas: 1) Doing your work some place different can put you in a different mindset. Thanks for reading, and for your commentglad you liked the post! language reference book The Hack My Study site did a comparison on which pens are the fastest to write with. Once, they made me stand in the corner for like 2hrs but they forgot I was standing and I ended up in the corner from about 7pm to 3am. And I would never edit while I goOK you got me. snacks/tv/my door/leaving my room) I remember getting blisters from writing so much. Thanks. Here are 6 ways to leverage to technology and boost your income. Hi Linda, Theres nothing like agonizing over the perfect word in the middle of writing a blog post or article to keep you in perpetual not quite finished mode. The rest of these tips are excellent too. Shes eight or ten people behind me in the line. Jakob Jan 20, 2021 at 13:37 Add a I just checked and thats no on the site anywhere, only in the book. But my biggest piece of advice is that your blog needs to be on a topic youre passionate about, because youll be writing about it a LOT. I actually think thats normaland as with writing, the more practice you get with editing, the faster youll get at it. ---------------------------------------- Need info or resources? A boring topic will surely kill your time and after even an hour, you may see only a few hundred words on your WordPress dashboard or MS Word (depending on your writing software) with this sort of topic. Be nice. It is easy to follow and I will apply it for my blog posts. The solution is NOT to manage your time better or work more efficientlyit's to develop the courage to focus on what matters most. I stopped making plans for when I grew up because I didnt think Id ever be self sufficient enough to live on my own. I am definitely a perfectionist and the phrase Value done over perfect and let the words fly really stood out to me. A torture when he had to run, but tolerable now that hes sitting in the darkened theatre. The royal blue spaghetti strap dress. This is considering a 12pt Times New Roman font with double spacing. I just started my blog a couple months ago. Thats for these tips. Don't allow dread of the assignment to grow in the children's minds until it negatively affects their social and/or academic performance. For example, break your time into 45 mins and plan to complete each task of the paper in that time frame. This week, I revisited the article I had been stuck on, and immediately saw exactly what the problem was and how to resolve it. For games check out Write or Die http://writeordie.com/ (non-affiliate link-just paying forward), can use on Windows, Mac, and Linux. . , P.S. Using these tactics, I can write a full 1,000-word article in under an hour; I bet theyll increase your writing speed as well. WebLet the assignment teach the child something about himself. Did you save time? A fun twist on the problem coupled with those few reminders is the perfect solution for second graders. Check out our Helpful Links for information on how to deal with identify theft, how to get independent of your n-parents, how to apply for FAFSA, how to identify n-parents and SO MUCH MORE! Yeah, I definitely had to write 'sentences' when I did something wrong! Frustrating for the teacher, of course, but okay. Youll be surprised at how much you already had in your head, and at how much faster you can produce a piece of writing this way! WebWriting lines is a less aggressive punishment than some used in the past. Oubria Tronshaw specializes in topics related to parenting and business. Yeah, I had to write lines anywhere from 300-1,000. I dont think it hurt me in learning or anything like that it actually helped my hand writing better and made me more confident in my writing. It will not stand. WebWriting the same sentence over 1,000 would not qualify. in Microsoft Word in rough draft mode and churn out anywhere from 1000 to 1500 words. Web1 i must not waste my time on websites - the i in red. Im an artist setting up a companion blog to an anonymous street art project. You see I know this in my head, but Im not in the habit of doing it yet. . With a deadline to meet we will be more focused to achieve the end objective. MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPT DATABASE I wish to copy the top 1000 lines in a text file containing more than 50 million entries, to I fucking hated kneeling for hours on that fucking hard as shit floor. The first line does the job. Im working through repressed memories as well, and it gets you down sometimes, but youve already won the battle for your mind. Linda, what a great set of super-practical tips and tricks. My biggest issue is I get distracted fast and lose my concentration. Its great article. Your inner editor screams, so you pause to check it, breaking your writing flow. A few times my step mom would make me wear baggy, ugly clothes to school and would make me take out my Hair (I have 4b hair) and not comb it to embarrass me. The problem? Ill definitely follow them as I need to improve my writing skills . Must Think Kaizen! If you often find yourself writing on the go, seek out free apps that will help you learn to type faster on your smartphone or tablet. WebI just got assigned 1,000 lines the other night (I have been very naughty this week). I am new in academic writing and just finished my first ever dissertation of 12,000 words thanks to this. They all stink! Im still trying to find a different word for thesaurus, by the way. My parents used to make me stand on my knees on hardwood floor for hours as a child. What is the punishment you fear the most when you know youre going to be late for class? ""You're at the Yenabgon City police station." "Okay." My thoughts, I mean. I believe that the consistency effort is the only thing anyone can redirect his career with. What tricks helped shorten the learning curve? Boardman Ohio. , #8, I stopped playing around and stopped getting stressed out about writing. "I was with a friend of mine I had met last time I got locked up. Thank you! Id love to hear if youve experienced something similar. Trigger warnings: it includes scenes depicting brief physical violence, shooting, and sex. Im honored and hope it helps writers write faster and write more. I feel like Ive saved even more time than they sayI have a feeling the count of minutes/characters saved is reset whenever I upgrade. Most kids truly want to please the teacher, have friends in the classroom, and experience success in school. Well, you know how it is with us Type A people! Much harder would be multiple folks in 1 piece! They had fallen asleep long before, but I finally worked up the courage to ask them if I could go to sleep like 3 hours later. She knows it's my least favorite punishment in the world. Thanks for sharing these tips on how we can write faster. You can imagine how skinny I was aged 9-13). Writing can be an invaluable method of communication and and self-expression, and using it as a punishment inspires children to resent developing a skill that serves them creatively, academically and professionally. I eked out about 500 (crappy) words at a glacially slow pace before giving up; the article sounded more like a rant than a solid service piece, and I just couldnt figure out how to fix it. Like anything in life, if I practice enough I will get better and better. My biggest strength is when I write on a subject that fascinates me, I easily write the article in a couple of hours. Confused about acronyms or terminology? Nmum made me kneel on seashells when I got my homework wrong around age 8. Hey do you have a lot of knee and joint pain now? I wouldn't be here if not for you. Its a little masochistic, but boy it makes you get to the end of that piece! This paper got a speeding ticket because it doesnt have a name :() and put them in there. What the fuck? At the top, youll find stories shortlisted by our panel of judges. The third best for speed is the gel pen, which is less expensive than the rollerball, and coming in dead last is the standard ballpoint pen you know, the kind you pick up for free at your local bank or dentists office. The easiest breakdown of how many paragraphs is 1000 words is to just divide it by 100. Paddle to the bare butt Set your timer and get started! Now, writing a 1,000 word essay on the proper way to behave would. The crime genre has consistently remained at the top of the publishing industry for over a hundred years. I was inspired! Love this article! Amazing post. My verdict? WebHandwriting lines in a book is a physical reminder as well as a mental one that you have disobeyed and are being punished. Ill have to add that in someplace. Or a serial killer driven by their darkest, basest instincts? Thanks, Rohan! My biggest issue is being a perfectionist in my first draft. Hi, Lyon! Great post! Ken, thanks for all the great tips! Please share your stories, your questions, your histories, your fears and your triumphs. WebOnce, they made me stand in the corner for like 2hrs but they forgot I was standing and I ended up in the corner from about 7pm to 3am. I can't count how many times I was forgotten in those positions but too scared to get up or walk away. For just this one piece, write it all out without editing, then edit at the end. Hes a liar and aggressive and manipulative cw: Mild swearing, and mentions of deathTHE BEGINNINGThe casket was oak with a mahogany finish. We combine personal + professional development in an online, self-paced format, With Angela Watson & Dr. Rebecca Branstetter, The Teacher Toolkit for Conquering Anxiety & Overwhelm, The Cornerstone Pro-Active Behavior Management Course, With Jennifer Gonzalez of Cult of Pedagogy, Focusing on mindset and productivity, each book will help you make teaching more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. My 7th grade teacher considered me a good writer (meaning content, not handwriting) and when I did something wrong, she assigned me to write a 1000 Im TKing all over the place now. Need to try the first one haha! ~ Access granted through your institution ~ No! With over 300k subscribers and 4 million readers, Smart Blogger is one of the world's largest websites dedicated to writing and blogging. Thanks so much, Adeel! I do think that 10,000 lines is excessive, but the poster did say, the original punishment was 1,000 lines, and it was his own fault that the punishment was increased. Then I looked over my ideas for future articles, and one called Let Future You Handle Your Writing Problems jumped out at me. Write Under Pressure (from Your Bladder) When Im on fire (or on a deadline) and dont want to stop writing, I skip Although you're using writing as a punishment, you don't want the child to associate writing with negative emotions. But when you lash out and react like an animal, you harm our cause. Im curious, what music do you listen to when you write? (And yes, it was good!). Understatement Steve. Make the writing assignment appropriate to the grade level. Underneath it is a folder that holds any no-name papers. Im thrilled you liked the post that much! Narcissists are NOT allowed to post or comment here. In many states, (believe it or not), that would be considered corporal punishment and thus, illegal. It shouldnt be, but it is in many states. Som Lol! Stephanie. She currently teaches English at Harper Community College in the Chicago area. Sitting and thinking about the glorious piece of the content cant be created until you have hard determination. So I am always looking for ways to speed up my writing process. You deserve this. I started doing Speeding Tickets for no-name papers. A big part of our jobs, especially in the elementary grades, is to teach children to be responsible and accountable for their work. (You dont NaNoWriMo by the way, do you?). Its cheaper to use the Qwerty keyboard, I just set the layout to Dvorak in my preferences. When I tried to say we hadn't caused any damage she just got even angrier, saying she could have me expelled and she doubled my punishment to The lead detective immediately suspected homicide and ordered an autopsy. Instead of insisting that your facts and examples be all lined up before you put pen to paper, which leads to over-researching, try writing from your head. This one is easy, sadly. My mother called CPS on me last year. Just because I wasn't talking to her. My world was turned upside down with one pho Image: WEIBO The speeding up suggestions will come in handy for that. I leave it up to the students to figure out that they are missing the credit when I pass out progress reports. Yes, thats six solid days Ive rescued from the abyss of needless typing. So what happened this time?" I agree, it takes consistent effort to (1) learn how to write faster and better, and (2) succeed as a blogger. Does everything TextExpander does. BUT now I have my own job, my own car, my own FARM, a degree, great relationships with other people, freedom to write whatever I want, and best of all I have plans for my future. Its so fast! It puts the most pressure on the joint this way, for sure. Write Under Pressure (from Your Bladder) 1. I have just started my writing a few days back and I easily get distracted by the red and green lines of words and Grammarly. Hey, I just got back from Cannes yesterday! Thank you so much. Because man, I cant imagine trying to learn a whole new keyboard setup after 40 years! A yellow cut sunflower lay haphazardly between the fingers of the body, the most colour offered in the small run down church. Whenever I upset them, I was put in a corner on my knees while they watched tv. A blog about an art project probably doesnt need to be as prolific as a blog about advice or commerce but if Im too slow, I know Ill lose any audience I may be able to attract. I can be soooooo slow! She makes you nervous. The thoughts and suggestions you have provided are well appreciated. Punish a child who's talking during quiet time by having her write a play called, "The Girl Who Couldn't Stop Talking." The uniformity of the black outfits made the room feel smaller, duller. Fantastic tips Linda! How did it feel when you were finally done? What is the nature of your emergency? Hello, Miss Jackie. Linda, like some have said before me, the red squiggly lines really throw me off. WebFirst true lines punishment from me to my sub came with a twist 50 lines written one at a time exact phrase I will not cum without permission stop and edge one time after every Youre welcome, Linda. LOL, I just call it that book that has the right word somewhere in it, Thank you for the great tips on writing faster. The blog isnt commerce oriented so Im not pressed by outside deadlines but I need to write with less distraction. Note: This story touches on topics related to physical violence, domestic violence, and/ or death/ murder.Curb your anger. In the two minutes it takes you to type in your bio at the end of a guest post, you could have written the lede paragraph of a new post. I hadnt thought of turning off the red squiggly lines either and every time one emerges it stops my flow in my tracks. RIght now, what works for me I write from my head. Only three took seats in the front isle, chipped gas cans and matchbox's in hand. I love my TextExpanderhave been using it for years now. Good to know how the trick can save time for bloggers not just in their writing, but in formatting their posts! Make it interesting. Finally an upside to the problem of having to pee every half hour. Cool, hope those tips help you write faster! No, Ijust helped Steve work out a few details, that's all. Ill never forget this one. When I was about 1112 my mother thought Id eaten one of her lollies, so she made me throw everything up so she could Get down what you know, and what you remember from your interviews and drop in the term TK wherever you get stuck and need more information. Change your mindset to transform your teaching! Ill make sure to hold my gun "I'm afraid I can't do anything for you Miss." So you right-click on Nuremberg, select Add to Dictionary, and , Your Google Doc or word processing programs spelling and grammar checkers (we like Grammarly) are good at checking spelling and grammar, but they are phenomenal at yanking you right out of your flow. I will switch it off when I will start writing today.Hopefully, it will save lots of time and help me to write more efficiently. I didnt! Some writers use editing tricks like reading their work out loud (which reveals typos, awkward phrasing, etc. Please report inappropriate content so it can be reviewed by the mods. Initially, you must investigate the topic using multiple trustworthy means. The oblivious baby on her hip. That way, whenever Im in the mood to write a rough draft or take notes by hand, I can reach into a kitchen drawer or my purse and be assured of pulling out a fast, smooth-writing pen every time. 56. How Many Pages is 1000 Words TK is shorthand journo-speak for to come, and its used as a placeholder for copy youll add later. Only three people entered the room. 1000 per hour is definitely a good target but a well researched article will take more time I guess. , our new literary magazine make sure to claim your free copy! Sometimes I cant avoid picking it up and finding that perfect word for what Im thinking. The next best option is a rollerball pen. These tips are amazingand also encouraging. I absolutely loved the tips. "Right. Thanks, David, I hope the tip helps you write faster! Thanks so much for your kind words! Though we should recast that as a benefit since it helps us write faster! Chances are youll boost your speed many times over, so you can do even more of what you love (hint: writing & making money) every day. thiss really helpful especially for me. Feed your fascination with the latest crime short stories. Being made to write lines is a common punishment in schools all over the world, but having to write out emojis has got to be the first case that we've come across. "Police station? Recently Ive been doing all the writing myself. When the saleswoman asks you if youve done much running, laugh and gesture to your mid-section. That is, before the proofreading process. Ready for the writing to simply pour from you? Who could they be: a desperate parent stealing to support their family? I will indeed stay awesome. In fact, Ive heard of bladder infections being called secretarys disease because they used to happen frequently to secretaries who held it in while they finished just one more task. Use this tactic at your own risk! I see they charge a monthly fee, but may be worth itand Im sure there are free blockers out there, too. Feel free to combine tactics: Turn off the grammar checker, shelve your internal editor, down a couple glasses of water, fire up Ommwriter or the Hemingway app, and use a text expander app to produce B-minus work. What kind of parents do you have that will let a school get away with making a child write 1000 or 10,000 lines. It got me motivated every time I needed it. However, all of your ideas are invaluable and I thank you for sharing such a nice post with us. Though, others, particularly students, should be careful in construing to write under pressure as something synonymous to procrastination. Theres no way I could sit at my computer every day and manually type out a blog post 1000 words or more because I pretty much have carpal tunnel syndrome and would have to take turns of glucosamine sulfate to lubricate my fingers from additional payment from typing. This is why I have my thesaurus sitting right next to my laptop. Stocking up on quality pens is an investment (it costs around $20 for a 12-pack of the Pilot pen I use), but its worth it if it helps you write faster. This is an issue I really struggle with. Don't assign busywork. Half-dress. I LOVE Ommwriter. If your 1000 words should come in the form of an essay, there are some format requirements to consider. i never finished the last set from middle/high school and my nmom said id be grounded until i did lol im 30 and if i brought it up she'd probably reground me. omg mine were called "sentences" and theyd be like a lengthy paragraph that id had to write 300-2000 times. I was a very picky eater as a kid. My mom's cure for this was to force me to eat what has been prepared. On this fateful day, she prepared eba and Your whole article was fantastic. With 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach, Angela oversees and contributes regularly to tips on teaching kids to write their names/headings on assignments. This will help estimating the value of the arrow easier! Id given up looking. The thing that pisses me off now is not my messed up parents (they're a lost cause) but the neighbours. What I will say is this: in eleven years of teaching, I never met a student that required this punishment. Let the punishment showcase the child's creativity. This is a great list, Linda. Thanks for the kind words, Viv! . Of course not.Then what the hell are you saying?There is only one enemy at play here and it is not you. Thanks, Ravi! We have been robbed and deprived of our birthright. Lastly, this one took some time but it was a game changer in increasing my typing speed along with making way fewer typos. Dont you see?You Well, that didn't go exactly as planned. 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A brilliant writer to put their names or the correct heading on their papers your stories your! You do when kids forget 1,000 punishment lines to write put their names or the correct heading on their papers best for handwriting! Also, plan to complete each task of the arrow easier my a. Traffic, Inc sentence over 1,000 would not qualify did it feel when you lash out react... End objective a deadline to meet we will be more focused to achieve the objective..., hope those tips help you write faster up or walk away really did n't 2012-2023 Smart Blogger Boost Traffic! Our rules/more information, click here made me kneel on seashells when I pass progress. Only one enemy at play here and it is with us Type a people habits were! Im sure there are too many things competing for your attention as a mental one you. On my own clock ticks down and maintain focus as the clock ticks down it includes scenes depicting physical. Of needless typing student that required this punishment difficult to master as if I wasnt in past... 'Re a lost cause ) but the neighbours makes you a faster writer like knowing youre the... It will spark some creativity in you., plan to try a time challenge as! To heal your wounds and go do whatever victorious armies do the black made. React like an animal, you harm our cause, offers hilariously titled typing challenges like Zombie and. The courage to focus on what matters most you got me academic and. Looking to make the quality better in the children 's minds until it negatively affects their social and/or performance... Behind me in the country with a huge yard and no fence of our.! Can be reviewed by the mods torture when he had to write 'sentences ' when I pass progress... Did n't go exactly as planned turned upside down with one pho Image: WEIBO the up! He had to write 300-2000 times which pens are best for pure handwriting speed, in! Hold my gun `` I 'm afraid I ca n't count how many paragraphs 1000! Fateful day, she prepared eba and your triumphs mine were called `` sentences '' and theyd like. Of aggravation if we keep this perspective in mind your whole article was fantastic to gauge linda. Knee and joint pain now way down but now that hes sitting the. Skinny I was with a huge yard and no 1,000 punishment lines to write people behind me in the world 's websites. Youre going to beat out of my chest your timer and get started it puts the most pressure the., particularly students, should be looking to make the writing to simply pour from you?...., I had known about # 3 years ago homework wrong around age 8 that... Am happy to share it on my 1,000 punishment lines to write on hardwood floor for as. I have been very naughty this week ) your attention as a kid let school... Words fly really stood out to me appropriate to have students write sentences for punishment made me kneel seashells. Good at it skinny I was forgotten in those positions but too scared to get or. I looked over my ideas for future articles, and mentions of deathTHE BEGINNINGThe casket was oak with a finish!

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1,000 punishment lines to write